September 2009

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The monthly winner Frank Hayward received his certificate From Nick Arnull
The monthly winner
Frank Hayward
received his certificate
from Nick Arnull

Frank's winning Pod on stand
Frank's winning Pod on stand
The monthly Highly commended Graham Holcroft received his certificate
The monthly Highly commended
Graham Holcroft
received his certificate
Graham's collection of clocks and walking sticks
Graham's collection of clocks
and walking sticks
Fred and Norman received a commended certificate
Fred and Norman
received a commended certificate

Fred's sycamore box
Fred's sycamore box
Norman's elm bowl
Norman's elm bowl
Inside Frank's pod
Inside Frank's pod
Magnolia bowl by Geoff Hunt
Magnolia bowl by Geoff Hunt
Pen stand with pens and note pad by Pat Hughes
Pen stand with pens
and note pad
by Pat Hughes
Tall vase by Howard Overton
Tall vase
by Howard Overton

Cruet set by Nick Adamek
Cruet set by Nick Adamek
Nick Arnull
Nick Arnull
Nick turning the back of his celestial bowl
Nick turning the back of his
celestial bowl
The back of the bowl finished and ebonised
The back of the bowl
finished and ebonised

The front of Nick's bowl ebonised, hollowed and decorated with stars
The front of Nick's bowl ebonised,
hollowed and decorated with stars
Nick presents Bert with the finished bowl to be raffled for our charity
Nick presents Bert
with the finished bowl
to be raffled for our charity
It raised £108
Some of Nick's work
Some of Nick's work
Sitting down to a bit of decorative work
Sitting down to a bit of
decorative work
Colouring a coral piece
Colouring a coral piece
Nick Arnull's coral pot
Nick Arnull's coral pot